Tom Usher

CEO , Dartmoor Preservation Association

Tom Usher is the CEO of the Dartmoor Preservation Association, a UK-based charity, campaigning on public access, land regeneration and youth engagement in national parks. His major focus is the protection and preservation of the largest wilderness in Southern England- Dartmoor National Park. Prior to that he was the interim Chief Operating Office of an international charity working on government policy against plastic pollution in the Oceans. A former British Army Officer with operational experience in the Balkans and Afghanistan, Tom has also been a member PwC's market-leading Restructuring team, specialising in financial turnaround of failing public sector entities. His previous non-exec/Trustee positions include Trustee of Dartmoor Multi-Academy Schools Trust, a 17 site, 2,500 child educational organisation. The Guardian Newspaper; Editorial Advisory Board Member on the Public Leaders Network Board and panel judge on Public Service award and UK public servant of the year.