Kevin Williams
Chief Executive , The Fostering Network
With over two decades experience working in the third sector, Kevin Williams is now Chief Executive of The Fostering Network, the UK’s leading fostering charity, working across the UK to support 55,000 foster carer members and the vast majority of fostering services, to ensure foster care is the very best it can be.
Under his leadership The Fostering Network achieved one of the Sunday Times Top 100 Third Sector and Public Sector organisations to work for and this year the top 30. Kevin oversaw the introduction of the award-winning Mockingbird programme which is bringing about a sea change in the way fostering is delivered, with improved outcomes for children in care across the UK.
Kevin previously worked as chief executive of TACT, the UK's largest charitable fostering and adoption provider. He also has over 35 years’ experience as a social worker in a range of disciplines. He has served a tenure as chair of the National Association of Fostering Providers.
Kevin is passionate about improving the outcomes for children in care and care leavers and is involved in numerous government working groups, academic research advisory boards and works with national and international partners to bring this about.