WHAM (Warmer Homes, Advice and Money)
Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE), Talking Money, Citizens Advice Bristol and North Somerset, North Bristol Advice Centre and We Care & AMS Electrical
Warmer Homes, Advice and Money (WHAM) is an innovative partnership project supporting over 2,350 households in vulnerable circumstances across Bristol and North Somerset experiencing fuel poverty.
The project is an unprecedented example of multi-agency working. Originally set up by three leading local charities around energy, debt support and housing improvement, WHAM’s success quickly expanded to seven partners alongside support from two local authorities and three NHS trusts.
WHAM caseworkers coordinate support, acting as a single point of contact for vulnerable people and local charities, frontline health and social workers to refer clients to.
The project was pioneering, providing the first opportunity for local clients to access services from a single point, making it much easier for people to support and keep in touch with their allocated caseworker, ensuring fewer people fall through the cracks. WHAM ensured Bristol and North Somerset was one of the first areas in the country to deliver on most of NICE’s recommendations on reducing excess winter deaths and illness and the health risks associated with cold homes.
The project aims to ensure everyone can be warm, well, safe at home, and not having to cut back on food or other essentials.