Using TikTok to reach younger audiences
Citizens Advice
At Citizens Advice when we say we're here for everyone, we mean it - whoever they are, whatever their problem. But our latest brand research highlighted a barrier to this - those aged under 25 have very low awareness of us and don't know we're here for them.
We started our TikTok account to try and address this. Half of active TikTok users are 16-24 and it allows us to present our advice and our brand in a new, engaging and relevant way.
Our channel grew to over 24K following in the first 6 months with our content being seen almost 1 million times. TikTok has very quickly become our second biggest channel in terms of reach and biggest channel for engagement. And reactions for users have been overwhelming positive.
We know that it will take time to show a marked change in brand awareness amongst the 16-25s but our TikTok is proving to be a huge step in the right direction.