Tony Christie

The Utley Foundation

We are proud to nominate singing legend Tony Christie, for his work with Music for Dementia, the campaign to make music an integral part of dementia care.

At 81, he works harder than anyone in showbiz. He gives his time for free, has never said no and always asks ‘what can I do next?’ But most of all he deserves this award for how he has turned his own dementia diagnosis into a source of help, hope and inspiration for others. This has taken courage and made a difference beyond his time and dedication.

This year he has recorded a charity single with Sting and family carers, made multiple media appearances including BBC Breakfast and Songs of Praise and represented the charity at major events including at Parliament, a flashmob at St Pancras and the Spirit of Northern Ireland Awards.

His behind-the-scenes story with his family has influenced the whole of Music for Dementia, inspiring a film, billboard campaign and new online approach to launch our Give It A Go campaign. Music’s not a magic wand, but it can be enough to turn a day around.

Tony Christie is a champion in every sense. No-one deserves this award more.