The Salvation Army
In March 2020, as lockdown hit and Coronavirus was sweeping the UK, The Individual Giving team decided to launch an emergency integrated fundraising campaign with just weeks to turn creative and media plans around.
The Salvation Army was on the frontline of Coronavirus response. We knew this was the moment to launch a fundraising campaign, to fund frontline work and to show how truly needed the organisation is in 2020. Due to the changing nature of the situation, the campaign evolved from an initial small-scale digital test to a multi-channel acquisition opportunity. Within 3 days of deciding to launch, the campaign began digitally. Planning for a wider campaign was led by the team working in partnership with agencies and freelancers. It launched on 25th May encompassing warm mail, DRTV, digital, press ads, doordrops and inserts.
Financially, the campaign was a huge success, raising £5M from almost 110k donations - 98% up on the original target. The ROI across warm and cold was 5.31. We recruited 15,895 new donors at a cost of £49 each. The income achieved and the new donors recruited makes all the hard work worthwhile and has helped position The Salvation Army as a relevant and dynamic brand.