The Hub Team
Herts Young Homeless
Our strategic focus is on: •Prevention and early intervention •Crisis intervention •Independent living support One of our key services is the hyh Hub, a service which we deliver on behalf of Herts County Council. The Hub acts as a “front door” to homeless prevention services and prioritizes 16 & 17 years old who are experiencing conflict at home. The service works intensively with young people and their families to: •prevent family breakdown and homelessness. •provide advice & information regarding housing options. The Hub team deliver this service by working closely with: •Herts County Council’s Children’s Services •10 Hertfordshire housing authorities •Housing associations and accommodation providers •Other homeless charities, food banks & support services •Schools, colleges, YC Herts, social workers and professionals The Head of Service at the Specialist Adolescent Service Herts (SASH) recently advised that it costs circa £51,000 per annum to fund a young person through the care system. Last year the Hub team prevented 360 young people from becoming homeless – a saving of over £18.3m for the public purse!