The Best Seat in the House
We worked with the Rankin Agency on The Best Seat in the House campaign to 'lift the lid' on the sanitation crisis among a mass audience and elevate the status of the humble loo. We asked 25 celebrities and artists to transform toilets into works of art as a fun and accessible way to get people talking about them. The eclectic collection of artworks - from Pam Hogg’s golden throne to Harry Hill’s ‘lucky toilet seat’ – launched on World Toilet Day, kicking off a three-month integrated campaign, which built our profile and understanding of our work and encouraged new and existing supporters to donate to our appeal. We launched an online ‘galloory’, followed by a social media competition to win prints, and then a live exhibition and event, providing an excellent networking opportunity. We secured 192 earned media hits with a reach of over 782 million, reached more than 5 million people on social media, and helped drive brilliant fundraising results.