Stadium Sleep Out
Watford FC's Community Sport and Education Trust
In a few months the Stadium Sleep Out grew from idea to unique event, providing almost 300 people the chance to experience Watford FC’s stadium in a very different way.
Before participants spent the night on cold floors and squeezed between hard seats, they had the chance to hear about how their fundraising would make a difference. Uplifting talks were given by the town’s Mayor, and a Watford FC legend, with live music provided by another charity which supports individuals with learning disabilities. Free meals and promotional scarves were provided to support everyone through the night and with their fundraising efforts.
The cost of the event, covered by local business, was far outstripped by the amount raised. In total the challenging fundraising target was exceeded by 40%, with each charity receiving almost £14,000.
Feedback was exceptional, and included: “We were thrilled with how much money has been raised – enabling more people to receive support to transform their lives."