Sarah Anderson

The Listening Place

Sarah Anderson has been the cornerstone of The Listening Place since its inception in 2015, as the founder, voluntary CEO and first volunteer. Her mission to fill a crucial gap in support for individuals with suicidal thoughts has succeeded beyond expectation and led to the support of over 17,000 individuals in its first 9 years open. Under her stewardship, TLP has grown from a weekend service with nine referrals in its first month to a robust charity with three full-time sites, operating 364 days a year, 12 hours a day and delivering almost 40,000 appointments annually.

Sarah’s leadership has seen TLP support 17,661 people, train 1,700 volunteers, and maintain a sustainable model that costs less than £300 to support someone indefinitely. Her fundraising initiatives have personally contributed over £500k, ensuring TLP’s financial viability and enabling the expansion to a fourth site.

Despite significant challenges, Sarah’s commitment has never wavered. Her hands-on approach in every aspect of TLP, from strategic partnerships to supporting bereaved families, exemplify her dedication. Even during her health-related absence, TLP’s continued success is a testament to the resilient structure and culture she has fostered. Sarah’s unwavering dedication, passion and commitment make her a deserving candidate for recognition.