Access Community Trust

Access Community Trust operates the Sams coffee house project. It offers employment opportunities, practical work experience and training that leads to accreditations and qualifications within the hospitality industry. Achieved by a range of bespoke and individualised supportive services to young people in our care and the wider local community. Sams promotes lifestyle change as a key philosophy, which underpins all our service provisions.

For consumers, our growing network of social enterprise cafes throughout Suffolk and Norfolk provide affordable light meals and beverages in a safe place to socialise. With access to free WIFI and complimentary sanitary products for those in need. Young people predominately operate our cafes via employment, voluntary posts, apprenticeships and work placements. Additionally, sessions that revolve around youth engagement, health and wellbeing, employment advice and lone-parenting operate every week for our clients and those seeking help locally.

A wellbeing team is available that provides mental health support to young people in the form of regular meetups, for those seeking support around employment, substance misuse, self-harm, risk taking behaviours and sexual health.

Our range of enterprise cafes operate for community benefit and provide a welcoming environment for those suffering from social isolation.