Paul is a great Chief Executive.

He does the things that other good Chief Executives do, such as saving a failing charity from closure; increasing its reach so it can be of more help to more people; and building an organisation that's clearer and better placed to deliver on its purpose; but it's the way that he does it that's special.

Paul listens to people. He engages them in solving their own challenges, giving them the tools and the support to succeed. Then he celebrates their successes. By listening to his 459 colleagues and engaging their genius to build a new strategy Paul helped everyone in SJOG rediscover a remarkable and sustainable charity.

He's clear on the purpose of the charity, to be of more help to more people, and he's good at supporting this; in 2019 SJOG grew 20% to £18million, and added £1.1million to its balance sheet, after six years of deficits. Most importantly seven new services were added in 2019, and 11 more will be added in 2020.

By creating a community with a common purpose, where colleagues can flourish Paul has maximised SJOG's chances of success and that bodes well for the future, whatever it holds.