MyIron+ APP
Haemochromatosis UK
In 2023 we launched the ground-breaking MyIron+ App, that now also features an A.I. Nurse "Alice" to enable people affected by genetic haemochromatosis to live well with the condition. Completely conceived and designed by our small charity, in partnership with a team of developers in war-torn Ukraine. MyIron+ App enables people to track all aspects of their iron overload care, and manage appointments, keep test results and venesection/blood donation details all in one place. They can gain access to specialist advice from specialist real-life nurses and an AI chat bot on living well with genetic haemochromatosis and access our award-winning resources.
While the conflict from the Russian Invasion raged around them, dealing with power cuts and often in bomb shelters, the developers in Ukraine delivered, on time to an exceptionally high standard an App that successfully launched in June 2023 and already has over 3,800 downloads and is continuous development. MyIron+ also now features an AI Nurse called "Alice" who is able to 'chat' in real time with incredibly accuracy and knowledge in response to detailed questions about diagnosis, symptoms and treatment. A truly pioneering and innovative digital tool with worldwide reach and potential to grow even further.