Matthew Leadbeater
Active Prospects
Matt is a young man with a learning disability who is an inspiration to those who know him. Matt has received care and support from Active Prospects for the last ten years, and during that time it has been a pleasure to see him go from strength to strength. During the last year he has played an essential role in helping to establish the Pro-Active Community (a user-led group for people with learning disabilities, autism or mental health needs) as a registered charity, by managing the social media accounts, organising a raffle, helping with a rebrand, and supporting trips and activities. He also volunteers for Active Prospects in our fundraising team, and recently raised over £1000 by climbing the O2 with his support worker. Matt fits all of his volunteering around a part-time paid job at a local school. Despite his many commitments, Matt always has time for people and is a popular colleague with an endless supply of positive energy!