Lifelites - Rebrand


For over 20 years Lifelites have provided children with life-limiting conditions access to life-changing technology. By harnessing this innovative tech, children are given the opportunity to play, create, and communicate. Working with partners across children’s palliative care, 10,000 children and young people have access to Lifelites’ services each year.

Lifelites appointed a new Chief Executive in 2022, who led a strategic review across the charity. This highlighted a fundamental disconnect between the unique service offer and a tired brand identity, not updated in many years. Public perception about children’s palliative care sector is often drawn towards tragic stories of medical care provided to terminally ill children as they approach the last days of their life. Whilst impossibly sad stories do exist, Lifelites’ unique and innovative role needed to be captured by an identity which conveys the powerful impact of its services, which empower children and young people with life-limiting conditions, along with their families, to experience unforgettable, cherished moments of connection and joy. To express this new vision, Lifelites would need to be reimagined and repositioned. We asked our partners at Thinkology to work with us to realise a new brand that powerfully represents this dynamic, empowering and joyful identity.