The Brain Tumour Charity
Laura's naturally warm and intuitive approach to managing people is characterised by an impassioned enthusiasm for doing right by everybody. She combines qualities of guardianship, firmness where required and absolute fairness, Laura knows everybody and understands their jobs. Her modesty has seen her choose a Head of title over a Director title. This is typical of her self-effacing nature and an important point to make is that she quite definitely puts the welfare and wellbeing of our Charity's community, and our Charity's staff before her own. Laura endears herself to all whom she meets and this magnetism and charm gives her an ability to quite simply bring out the best in everyone. Very positive feedback from our workforce provides the solid evidence of the value of her instinct and skills. Whether she is advising at Board level, or counselling a colleague in need, her strength and vibrant confidence lend surety to all. Then there are those moments, found everywhere, where the working environment impinges on personal life. Laura shows an ability and readiness to take this on with sensitivity and empathy