Sonjia Peers
A team of health development workers and volunteers who overnight, changed their usual modus operandi to ensure Befriending, Wellbeing Support, Information, Advice and Signposting continued for thousands of vulnerable, at risk people.
The Bradford based team responded quickly and creatively in adapting services, to provide socially distanced, over the phone, virtual and online support to ensure people were connected to each other and the outside world, remain active and occupied at home and had access to essentials items. In and amongst undertaking Befriending and Wellbeing calls, the team also trained and provided resources to other partner organisations, facilitated online activities such as knit and natter, quizzes, exercise, art and craft classes and delivered recipe kits, jigsaws, books and wellbeing packs through the doorstep drop off scheme. When restrictions allowed outdoor walks, cuppa and chat sessions were also available.
This team of would be worthy winners set aside any fears and anxieties about the pandemic and of the impossible challenge that lay ahead and instead remained positive, energetic and solution focussed to help and support so many throughout the pandemic. Over the last 15 months, this team have demonstrated their selfless nature, and extraordinary commitment to the people they serve.