Just Helping Christmas Tree Collection Community

Just Helping

Just Helping is dedicated to uniting charities, community groups, corporates, public councils, and volunteers to strengthen local communities. Through our partnerships, we promote volunteering and community contribution on a national scale, achieving a collaborative mission to raise vital funds covering important purposes including but not limited to: life-limiting sickness, poverty, bereavement, homelessness, mental health.

Led by Just Helping, our partnerships include key collaborators such as St Ann’s Hospice, St Luke’s Hospice, and Dorothy House Hospice. Together, we are committed to community aid through our growing volunteer network and partnerships.

Our impact is exemplified by the flagship Christmas Tree-Cycling event. Since 2012, we have organised this event to forge longstanding partnerships across the UK. In January 2024, 62 partnered charities and 3,420 volunteers across 735 UK postcodes collected and recycled 65,511 trees, raising £1,186,074 for our partners, Just Helping and 86 community not-for-profit organisations. This initiative also prevented upwards of 1 million kg of CO2e emissions into the atmosphere.

Just Helping's collaborative approach unites diverse groups to inspire positive community impact, transforming lives across the UK.