
Bowel Cancer UK

#GetOnARoll is Bowel Cancer UK’s (BCUK) ground-breaking campaign to get supermarkets and brands to print symptoms on loo roll packaging, putting information in the bathroom when people might experience red flag symptoms like blood in their poo.

Someone dies from bowel cancer every 30 minutes in the UK, making it the second biggest cancer killer. When diagnosed early, 92% of people survive. But awareness of symptoms is low and almost half of cases (46%) are diagnosed in the later stages.

BCUK worked with bowel cancer patient Cara Hoofe and her employer M&S to launch the initiative; mobilising the public to get behind a campaign calling publicly on other supermarkets to join. Within weeks, seven supermarkets and the UK’s leading toilet paper brand had signed up. Nine months on, every major supermarket has joined or indicated they will; 38% of the public have seen the campaign (source: nfp Synergy) and the percentage of people who can name at least one symptom of bowel cancer has jumped by 7% (source: YouGov).

More importantly, we’ve changed the landscape for bowel cancer awareness with more people, more companies and more opportunities coming together to raise awareness and stop people dying from bowel cancer.