Andrex x Bowel Cancer UK: Get Comfortable

Bowel Cancer UK

As a nation, we’re inherently uncomfortable with poo. We hold it in because we’re too self-conscious to go. We avoid using public bathrooms, pooing at work or at our in-laws. This deep-seated embarrassment is a problem.

Embarrassment is one stubborn yet solvable reason why, despite being the fourth most common cancer, bowel cancer is the second biggest cancer killer. When diagnosed early, 92% of people survive. But nearly half (46%) are diagnosed at later stages, when the disease is harder to treat.

Bowel Cancer UK (BCUK) and Andrex want to change this by kickstarting a nationwide conversation about poo. As part of Andrex’s new ‘Get Comfortable’ brand mission, our partnership aims to get everyone in the UK to have a healthier relationship with going to the toilet and help drive earlier diagnoses of bowel cancer.

Launched in March 2024, the partnership has already seen a takeover of the Celebrity Big Brother diary room featuring Sharon Osbourne, who had bowel cancer herself; large format out-of-home advertising, in-store promotions, always-on video-on-demand; and our co-branded ‘Born Unembarrassed, Stay Unembarrassed’ campaign - which reached 15% of UK adults in its first six weeks and will reach 60% by December 2024.