Gabby Logan MBE

Muscular Dystrophy UK

Sports anchor, podcaster and author, Gabby Logan MBE is the President of Muscular Dystrophy UK, the leading charity for more than 110,000 children and adults in the UK living with one of over 60 muscle wasting and weakening conditions.

As a charity we share expert advice and support people to live well now; fund groundbreaking research to understand the different conditions better and lead us to new treatments; work with the NHS towards universal access to specialist healthcare; and together, we campaign for people’s rights, better understanding, accessibility, and access to treatments. Gabby is passionate about our work and plays an instrumental role in supporting us, our community and helping educate others about muscle wasting and weakening conditions and the work we do.

Over the past 12 months Gabby has donated her time and energy to support key fundraising initiatives, she hosted our annual President’s Awards to recognise people making a difference, ran her first half marathon in 20 years in aid of the charity and encouraged and supported the muscle wasting and weakening community.