Futures for the Brave
The Futures for the Brave campaign is the bold and future facing Remembrance campaign by Erskine Veterans Charity, in partnership with Story the creative agency. The campaign centred around a tv advert “A Little Boy’s Pride”, featuring 9 year old Hamish, who visits his big Brother at Erskine. His big brother is a Veteran with a prosthetic leg and is supported by Erskine. Erskine service user and Veteran Frank Brogan features in the advert as Mr Henderson. As well as being rolled out across TV, radio and our online channels, Futures for the Brave was also used in our Remembrance fundraising appeal, going out as a direct mail piece, where readers heard all about Frank, and how donors can help him and his family and fellow Veterans. The campaign raised an incredible £343,000, which is a 34% increase on the last four years of Remembrance appeals.