Farm in a Box
The Country Trust
The Country Trust empowers disadvantaged children through food, farming and countryside experiences. Covid stopped 14,000 children from visiting real working farms, and lockdown constraints have resulted in many children becoming mentally and physically unfit. After listening to the priorities of teachers, unable to take children to farms, we created Farm in a Box, farm-centred learning delivered in school. Teachers choose from a menu of curriculum-linked activities (with wellbeing and language/communication woven through) relating to a local farm - Dairy, Beef, Sheep, Seeds, Vegetables, Fruit. We make a film with the farmer, and pack a Box full of produce and resources supporting each hands-on challenge and investigation. From finding wonderful working worms in the world beneath their feet, to identifying signs of life all around them, to turning cream into butter, tasting fruit and vegetables, grinding wheat into flour, making wildflower seedbombs, every activity is designed to help children discover connections between their lives, the natural world and the farms that produce our food. It's a chance for everyone to build happy memories of fun and success, to feel connected, and feel they matter. Farm in a Box is bringing hands-on, meaningful learning, fresh air and joy into thousands of children's lives.