External Communications Team
Guide Dogs
Guide Dogs has a unique brand challenge. We are well-known for our beloved dogs, but we are actually a disability charity – supporting people with sight loss to live the life they choose. This requires an ambitious and creative external communications strategy to make our cause and brand more relevant, to grow our awareness and reach. We use a range of strategies and tactics to achieve this and have to be agile in our approach. Traditional and digital media are utilised to create an always-on dog press office, whilst also generating ‘trojan horse’ moments to generate coverage of other services. We have also secured and leveraged sought-after broadcast commissions on mainstream TV to tell our wider brand story.
The team deserve to win because their dedication, keen eye for a news story, resilience and relentless spirit has seen them generate and secure quality outputs and outcomes which exceed objectives. The team has had to be nimble, extremely creative and adept at storytelling to achieve results. We work collaboratively and have regular strategy sessions. The team’s success is a testament to collaborative spirit, diverse skill sets and unwavering commitment; leveraging the power of communications for good.