Communigrow and Perrys Chartered Accountants


Communigrow is a small sustainable food education charity. We teach people how to grow food in a way that benefits physical and mental health and the planet. Beneficiaries include children and young people with SEND, children from under resourced communities, local schools, older adults experiencing social isolation and people with health conditions.

This has been a transformational, mutually beneficial partnership between Communigrow and Perrys Chartered Accountants.

From the outset Perrys have done so much for our small charity - from hands-in the dirt practical support such as digging a wildlife pond, building a wellbeing tea garden, clearing ground for chemical free food growing, to financial support and fundraising with golf days, sponsored events and charity football matches which has improved our facilities for our beneficiaries, volunteers and staff including providing solar panels to power our office and welfare building.

Along the way we have made connections and built relationships. The Perrys team have been able to experience the boost in mental and physical wellbeing that being active in a beautiful green space brings and they have met their goal of making a difference in the local community.