Clare Milford Haven
James' Place
Clare Milford Haven is chair and co-founder of the suicide prevention charity James' Place. Her mission is to stop men dying by suicide. In December 2006 Clare’s world was turned upside down when she lost her eldest son, James, to suicide. Following her son's tragic death, Clare went on to start the charity James’ Place which offers free, life-saving treatment to suicidal men in centres in Liverpool, which opened in 2018, and London, which opened in 2022. The charity has helped 1,500 suicidal men to date and plans to open three new centres across the country by 2026, at which point half the male population of England will be within two hours of a James’ Place centre. Clare’s aim is that no man should face a suicidal crisis alone.
What Clare has achieved, at a time of great personal loss, is truly exceptional and is testament to her strength, passion and determination to do something positive in James’ name. Hundreds of men in suicidal crisis now have hope for the future thanks to Clare’s vision, innovation and tenacity.