Clare Jacklin

National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society

Clare joined NRAS in 2007 as Volunteer Manager and progressed to Director of Development and Deputy CEO, then CEO in June 2019. Her performance is characterised by an incredible work ethic, passion for the cause, ability to solve problems calmly and fairly and her inclusive leadership skills. Interestingly Clare had doubts about her ability to take on this role as revealed in a blog entitled ‘The Reluctant CEO’ in 2021. However, she quietly rolled up her sleeves and determined to not only get NRAS through this period where our resources were tested to the limit, but to deliver new digital services and increase our reach to new audiences whilst maintaining and increasing our annual income and keeping the staff motivated and operating as a ‘team’.

Clare’s compassionate leadership gave reassurance and continuity to the charity, our beneficiaries and external stakeholders at a time when we needed it most. She has achieved this in a climate where the devastating financial impact of coronavirus has left nearly 40 per cent of charities and community groups in a worsening financial situation, with two in five organisations reporting that their financial position had deteriorated in the past month, according to new research.

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