Challenge Events Team

Dementia UK

The Events team at Dementia UK has quintupled gross income since March 2020, growing from £1.3 million to £6.9 million at an ROI of 3.6: 1 in 2023/24. This has enabled the charity to significantly expand service delivery. The team of 11 ambitious and highly motivated individuals has achieved growth across the entire events portfolio – third party, DIY and virtual events – through innovation and adaption, targeted investment, focus on providing an exceptional supporter experience and continual refinement of infrastructure to drive efficiency. A highly collaborative working style has also been critical in delivering results.

The team are focussed on activities that generate a strong ROI. They are skilled at using audience insight to drive decision making; and improved marketing and acquisition, refreshed supporter journeys and a focus on efficient delivery have also contributed to strong income growth.

Against the backdrop of a challenging market, the team has proved adept in flexing their approach to virtual and in person audiences and navigating through challenges that are out with their control. Increased numbers of supporters across the portfolio has required the introduction of appropriate stewardship for supporters raising different amounts of income, whilst ensuring a consistently first class experience