CBIT in Hand - A health intervention for families affected by concussion, head injury and acquired brain injury
Child Brain Injury Trust
Over 500,000 C&YP attend A&E every year with a head injury (Nice Guidelines, 2017). Approximately half have a concussion and 45,000 have significant issues with a brain injury whether it be mild, moderate, or severe. CBIT currently supports around 1400 families a year through our integrated model of support. Many families have never accessed support because they do not know it exists.
CBIT in Hand is a ground breaking mobile app that provides families of children with head injuries and brain injuries with immediate
access to critical information and support in hand through their mobile devices.. The App will interface with clinicians within the hospital A&E
setting and across communities making access to information and ongoing support immediate. It provides virtual support families desperately need from the moment a head injury happens, provides specific support for concussion related concerns, or, if they learn that their child will be living with a brain injury, it will provide tailored support at all stages of
their child’s ABI journey, in hospital/at home/returning to school/ in the wider community.