Major Brian Harper
Lingen Davies Cancer Fund
Brian Harper, 86, became a Lingen Davies Cancer Fund volunteer in late 2021 and since that time he has gone on to become an absolutely indispensable part of the team. He deserves to win this award because of his complete dedication to the team, his ability to see jobs that need doing before he is asked, and his general attitude to working hard for the benefit of others.
He spends two mornings a week with the team as a bare minimum and is always first to put his hand up and support one of our wider fundraising events in the community.
Just a few of the tasks he undertakes include the collection and distribution of cans, supporting bucket collections in supermarkets and other public places, acting as a brand ambassador for the charity - spreading the word wherever he goes even if that is out of our patch and selling Christmas cards across the country, manning and directing car parking at events, supporting the office team with a wide variety of administrative tasks, and sourcing raffle and auction prizes for our events.