Alexandria CRYSTAL
Alexandria started dyslexia campaigning sat the age of 15. By her 16th birthday she had made her mark by securing interviews including with Grant Harrold (AKA The Royal Butler, former butler to King Charles III) who is an ambassador for the British Dyslexia Association and Matt Hancock MP. Her campaign focuses on making the public aware of the talents dyslexia people have, promoting legislation for compulsory screening for dyslexia and neuro diversity in primary schools for ALL students regardless of their ability, changing the language used around dyslexia from negative to positive. Keeping all campaigning in video format to ensure it is accessible to those with literacy and reading difficulties. Alexandria wants to get the country talking about dyslexia to generate better understanding, promoting the employment of dyslexics and improved support in education and workplace settings. Alexandria believe that if todays cohort of students becomes more knowledgable about dyslexia this will filter out into the workplace over the next 15 years to create cultural changes that would otherwise be difficult to achieve.