Erim Metto

CEO , Turkish Cypriot Community Association

Erim Metto is a multi-award-winning issue led filmmaker and the Chief Executive (CEO) of Turkish Cypriot Community Association, a two time winner of the Third Sector Awards.

Erim has been CEO of the TCCA, since 2012, taking the charity from near collapse to delivering 27 needs lead projects from 4 premises, predominantly for those who have barriers to accessing services.

In his late 20s he became the first appointed Turkish-speaking Magistrate in the UK, a position he holds to this date, he is chair of parent governors at an award-winning North London school, and lead member for the Independent Advisor Group to the Metropolitan Police.

In 2012 he had the privilege of being an Olympic torch bearer and more recently being one of only 400 third sector workers to receive the Queens Platinum Award.

Erim is also a keen filmmaker with over 30 productions under his belt he has worked with numerous actors including Sir John Hurt CBE, Sir Derek Jacobi, Roger LloydPack (Trigger, only fools and horses), Tamer Hassan and Todd Carty from Eastenders. Erim is currently involved in production of a documentary called Kaleburnu "Our Village", and pre-production on a feature film called "Ya – Suffragettes". Separate from his filmmaking, Erim is co-director of RAaW a film and theatre which supports the development of young people with raw talent through to onscreen actors.